Well for starters, Meet Grisz! We broke down and bought Peter a dog. He is a Goldendoodle. We picked up this fine pup two months ago so although he no longer looks like this, (He is Growing like CRAZY) we thought we'd share the new addition to our little family.

Happy Pirate Dressup! Peter decided he wanted to be Captain hook for halloween, but as you can see, he loves dressing like a pirate all the time.

Here we are at the pumpkin patch. Picking the perfect pumpkin is VERY important. But we managed ok =)

Dan and I were able to dress up this year as well! I went as Edna Mode, from the incredibles. Dan went has a Minnesota Hockey player, and although his choice of costume was SUPER original, we didn't get a pic=( bummer, next year

And Finally, to end this LONG post about all the Random stuff we have been doing lately, I was able to take a little trip to Long Beach California with some of my girlfriends and run another Marathon! I just LOVE RUNNING, can't seem to get enough of it lately and I am already planning my next years marathons....
Me and James Bond at the wax museum =) Going in this place at first actually freaked me out! It seemed like they were kinda real, but you knew they weren't... but all the wax... I dunno, made me nervous. But I am so glad I did it! Now looking back at the pics I am so glad to have those memories.

These are the two girlfriends I went with. On the left is Amber and on the right is Meredith. We had SO much fun and I can't wait to do it again.

This is what happens to my hair after 26.2 miles.... it started in a nice braid.

Amber and I the morning before the race. She ran the marathon with me and Meredith ran the Forest Gump 5k. I was so proud of my friends. If you look closely at our bibs, mine is a nice advertisement for my quilt company Jenny M's. if anyone is wondering the M is from Marie (my middle name). But I love it when they let you personalize your bib. When I was running the Disney Marathon it was so nice to have random people shouting out your name from the side and cheering you on even though you have no idea who they are!

Well, this is a long post about a lot of stuff that has happened over the last couple of months. We have been busy and it just keeps getting busier. Can't wait for Winter, time to bust out the skis =)